Aiden McCray 


Hi my name is Aiden McCray and i use illastrator and photoshop and i find both fun to use. i like tech  and i have fun with tech . also i like to play games at home i dont have a favorit game right now . some things i like to collect is pokemon i have alot and they are worth alot i play games with my friend . i like using photoshop more than illastrator and dreamwever combined i like photoshop  more.              


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Content Holder 2

Photoshop,   illastrator  & dreamwever


The way i learnd photoshop was simpple i got some help from my teacher and it was hard at first but it got easy over time. i think that i am better than i was at the begining of the year but every now and then i find a new thing and it is a little difficult at first but after time it is eassy. if i had to pick if photoshop was good or bad i think photoshop is good and it is fun to do. Now the way i learned illastator was about the same and it was fun as well but i like photoshop more. i find dreawever easy but sometimes it is hard and i would say it is boring but some times it can be fun it depends on what we are doing . if i had to pick i think that photshot is more fun than illastrator and dremwever .   so that is what i do and think about when i am in tech clas.